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The Board of Trustees, supported by the CEO, play a vital role in serving the needs of the charities by ensuring that the correct procedures and policies are in place to manage the charities’ resources effectively. Watts Trustees provide long-term vision and protect the reputation and values of the charities.

Mrs Linda Reay

Mrs Alex Clarabut

Mrs Shirley Gurteen 

Mrs Ruth Curry

Mr Keith Povey

Mr Peter Smith

Mr Colin McCarthy

Mr Tim Newman     

Mr Richard Patteson-Knight

Mrs Carolyn Sims

Join our Board and help those in need in Rochester

Required qualifications:

Ideally he/she will be a professional with skills in either employment law, finance or estates management and should have the necessary skills or experience to play a full part in the governance of the charity.

No previous Board experience is necessary. We are interested in hearing from people with a range of skills, not just those highlighted above.

Trustees should attend eight Board meetings a year, plus up to four Committee meetings a year. All meetings commence at 10:00am and last no more than two hours.  This is an unremunerated role, however, any reasonable out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed.

If you would like to apply for this role please call 01634 842194 or send an email to to request an application pack.



We are looking for a volunteer to join our Board

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